PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

Truth is in the details

Hadi Moussally
France, Spain, Austria 2023

One of Mies Van Der Rohe’s legendary architectural masterpieces invites you to dive into a journey of empathy between humans, nature and human nature.
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  • #Title: Truth is in the details
  • #Director: Hadi Moussally
  • #Choreography: Raphael Miro Holzer
  • #Production: h7o7 & Raphael Miro Holzer
  • #Country of Production: France, Spain, Austria
  • #Year of Production: 2023
  • #Duration: 00:05:44
  • #Dance and Acting: Joel Cojal, Beatriz Cubero Mateo, Raphael Miro Holzer, Hugo Taylor Bragg, Chus Western
  • #Camera: Olivier Pagny
  • #Editing: Olivier Pagny
  • #Music: Vladimir Kurumilian
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

APXH (beginning)

Maja Zimmerlin
Germany 2022

Long before the first breath in the lungs of a newborn child, nature spread its wide horizons. The dance film APXH (beginning) celebrates the human journey from earth and water to the gift of life.
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  • #Title: APXH (beginning)
  • #Director: Maja Zimmerlin
  • #Choreography: Maja Zimmerlin
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2022
  • #Duration: 00:09:07
  • #Dance and Acting: Aurore Allo, Wibke Storkan, Manuel Lindner, Kritonas Anastasopoulos, Maja Zimmerlin
  • #Camera: Johan Planefeldt
  • #Editing: Johan Planefeldt
  • #Sound: Elisa Arciniegas Pinilla
  • #Music: Elisa Arciniegas Pinilla
  • #Costume: Clara Fee Stürzl
  • #Artistic Advice: Sarah Möller
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023


Mentrix, Gilles Estève
Iran, Germany 2019

Dancing for the body is like rain for the desert: it might survive without it but it thirsts for it always; it is nature. In the incredible landscape of Kavir-e-Lut in eastern Iran, Mentrix is longing to find her own nature.
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  • #Title: Nature
  • #Director: Mentrix, Gilles Estève
  • #Choreography: Nelly Ahlroth
  • #Production: Initiative Musik, Under Cover, House Of Strength Records
  • #Country of Production: Iran, Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2019
  • #Duration: 00:04:35
  • #Dance and Acting: Aida, Elina, Mahsa, Faeze
  • #Camera: Quentin De Lamarzelle
  • #Editing: Samar Rad
  • #Music: Mentrix
  • #Screenplay: Mentrix, Gilles Esteve
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023


Emilie Lesgourgues
France 2018

The film explores the psychological torments of a young woman haunted by a past love, an emotion and physical bind from which she fights to withdraw.
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  • #Title: DRIFTED
  • #Director: Emilie Lesgourgues
  • #Choreography: Aloise Sauvage
  • #Country of Production: France
  • #Year of Production: 2018
  • #Duration: 00:06:52
  • #Dance and Acting: Aloise Sauvage
  • #Camera: Melodie Preel
  • #Editing: Julie Cardinale, Maxime Gillier
  • #Sound: Marc Valenduc
  • #Music: Karelle, Calling Marian
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

Toisin tein / I did it the other way

Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
Finland 2022

In the video art work Toisin tein (I did it the other way) the topic of abortion is approached through the process of decision making – and the different emotions it evokes. It’s based on personal stories that are told through improvised movement on the ground, aerial acrobatics and with the element of water.
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  • #Title: Toisin tein / I did it the other way
  • #Director: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Choreography: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Production: Sisus (
  • #Country of Production: Finland
  • #Year of Production: 2022
  • #Duration: 00:13:18
  • #Dance and Acting: Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Camera: Christoffer Collina
  • #Editing: Iida-Liina Linnea
  • #Music: Amanda Martikainen
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

KR Market

Michael Maurissens
India 2023

A poetic visual exploration on the relation between the body and its context.
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  • #Title: KR Market
  • #Director: Michael Maurissens
  • #Choreography: Papia Chakraborty
  • #Country of Production: India
  • #Year of Production: 2023
  • #Duration: 00:04:42
  • #Dance and Acting: Papia Chakraborty
  • #Camera: Michael Maurissens
  • #Editing: Michael Maurissens
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023


Martin Klukas
Germany 2023

Processes of questioning, searching and finding meaning expand the connection to what is satisfying and unifying.
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  • #Title: the_ongoing_process_of_trying_to_make_sense
  • #Director: Martin Klukas
  • #Choreography: Martin Klukas
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2023
  • #Duration: 00:16:05
  • #Dance and Acting: Martin Klukas
  • #Camera: Martin Klukas
  • #Editing: Martin Klukas
  • #Sound: Martin Klukas
  • #Music: Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.23 Appassionata, Op.57
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

Les Roses

Billy Cowie
United Kingdom 2023

Film based on the poem “Les Roses” by Paul Verlaine
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  • #Title: Les Roses
  • #Director: Billy Cowie
  • #Choreography: Billy Cowie
  • #Country of Production: United Kingdom
  • #Year of Production: 2023
  • #Duration: 00:03:38
  • #Dance and Acting: Mei Suzuki
  • #Art Direction: Silke Mansholt
  • #Voice: Lucie Robson
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 14.09.2023


Sami Leutola, Meri-Tuuli Risberg
Finland 2021

In this film the artists wanted to observe the concept of time and space. The work challenges the existence of hecticness and asks if humans are the center of everything?
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  • #Title: ORIGO
  • #Director: Sami Leutola, Meri-Tuuli Risberg
  • #Choreography: Meri-Tuuli Risberg
  • #Production: Risberg and Leutola
  • #Country of Production: Finland
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:18:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Meri-Tuuli Risberg
  • #Camera: Sami Leutola
  • #Editing: Meri-Tuuli Risberg
  • #Music: Sami Leutola
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 23, 14.09.2023


Rain Kencana
Germany 2022

Lost souls in an urban misanthropic world are
 dancing away their inner emptiness, their pain, their fears. 
Finding comfort, support with one another.
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  • #Title: Opferschicht
  • #Director: Rain Kencana
  • #Choreography: Kadir "Amigo" Memis
  • #Production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2022
  • #Duration: 00:05:12
  • #Dance and Acting: Paris Crossley, Rocio "Pez" Becerra, Maren "Funky Mae" Wittig
  • #Camera: Moritz Carstens
  • #Editing: Rain Kencana
  • #Music: Mentrix
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: