PEARL 23, 16.09.2023


The film explores the psychological torments of a young woman haunted by a past love, an emotion and physical bind from which she fights to withdraw.
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Emilie Lesgourgues
France 2018

Drifted is a story about movement.
That moment when everything shifts and we find ourselves drifting away, navigating in a spiral of desolation and hopelessness.
The film explores the psychological torments of a young woman haunted by a past love, an emotion and physical bind from which she fights to withdraw.

  • #Title: DRIFTED
  • #Director: Emilie Lesgourgues
  • #Choreography: Aloise Sauvage
  • #Country of Production: France
  • #Year of Production: 2018
  • #Duration: 00:06:52
  • #Dance and Acting: Aloise Sauvage
  • #Camera: Melodie Preel
  • #Editing: Julie Cardinale, Maxime Gillier
  • #Sound: Marc Valenduc
  • #Music: Karelle, Calling Marian
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: