PEARL 23, 16.09.2023

Toisin tein / I did it the other way

In the video art work Toisin tein (I did it the other way) the topic of abortion is approached through the process of decision making – and the different emotions it evokes. It’s based on personal stories that are told through improvised movement on the ground, aerial acrobatics and with the element of water.
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Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
Finland 2022

In the video art work Toisin tein (I did it the other way) the topic of abortion is approached through the process of decision making – and the different emotions it evokes. It’s based on personal stories that are told through improvised movement on the ground, aerial acrobatics and with the element of water. Circus as an art form is used for channeling experiences that can be hard to talk about.

The working group interviewed female circus artists from around the world who had had an abortion. Abortion is a very private experience. For some it might be a relief, for some it might be something they carry with them for a long time. With circus artists the bodily experience was highlighted.

  • #Title: Toisin tein / I did it the other way
  • #Director: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Choreography: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Production: Sisus (
  • #Country of Production: Finland
  • #Year of Production: 2022
  • #Duration: 00:13:18
  • #Dance and Acting: Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
  • #Camera: Christoffer Collina
  • #Editing: Iida-Liina Linnea
  • #Music: Amanda Martikainen
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: