- Director//Regie: Sean Martin Reynard
- Country of Production//Land: United Kingdom
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2004
- Duration//Dauer: 00:05:00

Ray Linch ist der Mann, der den Broadway nach Stuttgart gebracht hat. …read more // weiterlesen
Narelle Benjamin got the idea for the film from a recurring dream she had of a house teetering on the edge of a cliff above a raging ocean.
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Time Copy is a short experimental dance film it was inspired by the children’s book MoMo from author Michael Ende. The film is about time, and about the vibe of a mess of people, in this case, dancers.
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Tanz. sinnlich eingebettet in eine Spielfilmhandlung, die zugleich zum ungewöhnlichen Portrait der Metropole Berlin wird.
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R.U.N. – A study on spatial objectification. As a part of a larger series called walk, run, sit, stand and jump that seeks to reframe the visual perspective of the body in a simple action.
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Meine beiden Charaktere, Xima und Cion, leben in einer seelenlosen sterilen Welt, die von Symbolen beherrscht wird.
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