In the video art work Toisin tein (I did it the other way) the topic of abortion is approached through the process of decision making – and the different emotions it evokes. It’s based on personal stories that are told through improvised movement on the ground, aerial acrobatics and with the element of water. …read more // weiterlesen
- Titel: Toisin tein / I did it the other way
- Director//Regie: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
- Choreography//Choreographie: Jenny Mansikkasalo, Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
- Production//Produktion: Sisus (
- Country of Production//Land: Finland
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2022
- Duration//Dauer: 00:13:18
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Inka Pehkonen, Iida Sipilä
- Camera//Kamera: Christoffer Collina
- Montage: Iida-Liina Linnea
- Music//Musik: Amanda Martikainen
- Webpage//Webseite:
- Trailer: