MARS & VENUS opposition phases, is an unique sequence-shot about celestial mechanics, the machinery of cinema anddance. It is a sound film about appearances and reality, an experience about the place of the viewer.Beyond the geometric and scientific project basis, the film develops a tension between the relentless astronomicalmeasurement, and the body of a dancer. […] …read more // weiterlesen
- Titel: Mars & Venus, phases d'opposition
- Director//Regie: Julien Audebert
- Choreography//Choreographie: Alice Renavand, Alexandre Gasse, Julien Audebert
- Country of Production//Land: France
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2016
- Duration//Dauer: 00:10:16
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Alice Renavand
- Camera//Kamera: Alexandre Parouty