POOL SHINE 09.09.15

A Study in Choreography for Camera

Still aus A Study in Choreography for Camera, 1945. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir A Study in Choreography for Camera was made by Talley Beatty as dancer, and by me as director and photographer. I had felt that in most dance films the restiveness of the camera – with its closeups, its views from the wings, […]
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Maya Deren


Still aus A Study in Choreography for Camera, 1945. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir

A Study in Choreography for Camera was made by Talley Beatty as dancer, and by me as director and photographer. I had felt that in most dance films the restiveness of the camera – with its closeups, its views from the wings, etcetera – served merely to destroy choreographic patterns which had been carefully conceived for a theatre stage space and a fixed-front audience. In this film, on the other hand, cinematographic space – the entire world – becomes itself an active element of the dance rather than an area in which the dance takes place. And the dancer shares, with the camera and cutting, a collaborative responsibility for the movements themselves. This results in a film dance which could not be performed except on film. 

Maya Deren: Magic is New, Mademoiselle, January 1946

  • #Title: A Study in Choreography for Camera
  • #Director: Maya Deren
  • #Choreography: Talley Beatty
  • #Year of Production: 1945
  • #Duration: 00:03:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Talley Beatty
  • #Camera: Hella Heyman, Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren
  • #Editing: Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren