7 & 8 pm |19.00 & 20.00 Uhr | DOCK 11 | 10 €
Presenter | Moderation: Moritz Vierboom
- Never Twenty One
NEVER TWENTY ONE pays tribute to the young victims of firearms in the USA who will never be given the chance to see age 21. This expression originated from the Black Lives Matter movement denounces the early deaths which plague the country and neighborhoods like the Bronx in particular.
Through testimonials of victims of the gun market system, a young dancer expresses his rage, the loss of his loved ones, and the vicious spiral he is locked into and which pushes him to play with fire. He becomes the scar of these sacrificed lives, their memories, their words, engraved forever in the curse of number 21. - Falling
Falling is the law of nature, and it is the direction caused by gravity, also is the inevitable passing of the past. Slowing down is no longer every moment, slowing down these unbalanced moments, seeing another meaning in the slow way of falling.
Human experience spiral down when panic strikes.
In an unstable balance between two landscapes, one gloomy, the other dreamlike. The experience runs in a loop without repeating itself identically. - Lost Horse
Armed with their own camera, modern dance power-couple Bobbi Jene Smith and Or Schraiber set about documenting their intimate daily lives in a new genre of “Musical” style documentary.
Mixing improvised choreography driven by their immediate emotions with the relentless,
never-stopping rolling of the camera, the two created an abundance of scenes reflecting the many aspects of a relationship full of multitudes. A life full of beginnings and endings coexisting in us all.Following the video for “Earth Odyssey”, Director/Editor Adi Halfin’s vision for this video was another creative solution for a period where it is virtually impossible to create international collaborations due to the restrictions as a result of the global pandemic.
After many ideas for the video were put down due to the inability to bring dancers and film crew together… She decided to go with the flow and have the dancers film themselves. Mixing their dance into a documentation of their personal life.
In the end – this actually proved to be an advantage and allowed a more intimate and close-up view of the couple’s lives.
Artist Prize 20
Daniele Caetano & Natasha Vergilio
- Apartment 502In an intimate hiding-place, two bodies reveals the shadows of their innocent love. https://vimeo.com/326286712
- LunarLunar is a short dance film narrated by a body and its shadows that reveal to each movement and pauses the essence ofemotional restlessness and psychic forces. The film symbolizes everything that is under the influence of lunar energy: the nature of death, life and human virtues. https://vimeo.com/346888590

In 2017, the artists Daniele Caetano and Natasha Vergilio started working together, directing video dance, stage performances, photo essays, and experimental videos.
The duo’s artistic works convince through the visual haptics and sensual imagery. The pointed and delicate montage of black-and-white images creates spheres of intimacy. In a play of light, movement, and shadow, the protagonists appear and disappear from and into darkness or abstraction. The films create a mystical atmosphere, where human strength and the power of nature, longings, desires, and the abysmal meet.
The duo’s short dance films Apartment 502 and Lunar, were already shown in 2019 at POOL – INTERNATIONALES TanzFilmFestival BERLIN. In 2018, their experimental film Apartment 502 won an award at the 60secondsdance Festival in Copenhagen and was screened at Berlin Lesbian Non-Binary FilmFest and the POOL 20 Spring Edition. Their short film Mind Reverse was screened in 60secFestival in several public spaces in Denmark. Currently their short film When Rivers Run Into The Ocean is shown at the digital platform OTV – Open Television Chicago.
Natasha Vergilio is a Brazilian artist based in Berlin, with 13 years of professional working experience in the artistic field as a performer, movement director, and choreographer. Refining her intuitive art and physical experiences over the years, her work values the diverse forms of marginal intellectuality and the technology of these bodies and their stories. With collaborator Daniele Caetano, she recently founded We Are Water Creators, which focuses on short-films, photography, and performance.
Vergillio’s dance pieces Não Existe Um Nome and A Potência do Anonimato circulated in cultural institutions in Brazil from 2016 – 2018. Her piece Trust the Move was performed at AUSUFERN 2018: Carte Blanche at UferStudios in Berlin. In 2018, Vergillio also performed and choreographed Aus dem Hinterhalt: Wozzeck, which was directed by the artist Black Cracker, at the Tischlerei – Deutsche Oper Berlin. From 2019 to 2020, she performed in Everybody Can Be, Everybody Cannot Be by Jao Moon at Ballhaus Naunynstrasse.
Daniele Caetano is a Brazilian filmmaker, photographer, and video artist currently living in Berlin, Germany. She graduated in Audiovisual Arts in São Paulo/Brazil and was a finalist of the ABC Award of Brazilian Cinematography 2015 in the category “Best Direction of Photography”, with her short film Under the Cherry Trees. Caetano is interested in dance, movement, and video – topics she has intensively studied over the years, through experiments and spontaneous creations.
Seit 2017 arbeiten die Künstlerinnen Daniele Caetano und Natasha Vergilio zusammen und kreieren Tanzfilme, Performances, Photoessays und Experimentalfilme. Die künstlerischen Arbeiten des Duos überzeugen durch ihre visuelle Haptik und eine sensuelle Bildsprache. Der pointierte Schnitt und die feinfühlige Montage ihrer Filme lassen Bildkompositionen entstehen, die in ihrer Schwarzweiß-Optik einen Raum des Intimen erzeugen. Das Spiel aus Licht, Bewegung und Schatten, in dem die Protagonistinnen auftauchen, um dann wieder im Dunkel oder der Abstraktion zu verschwinden, schafft eine mystische Atmosphäre, in der die menschliche Kraft und die Kraft der Natur, Sehnsüchte, Wünsche sowie Abgründiges aufeinandertreffen.
Die Kurzfilme Apartment 502 und Lunar von Daniele Caetano und Natasha Vergilio waren schon 2019 Teil des Programms von POOL – INTERNATIONALES TanzFilmFestival BERLIN. Im Jahr 2018 gewann ihr Experimentalfilm Apartment 502 eine Auszeichnung beim 60secondsdance Festival in Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Apartment 502 wurde auch beim Berlin Lesbian Non-Binary FilmFest und im Rahmen der POOL 20 Spring Edition gezeigt. Der Kurzfilm Mind Reverse wurde beim 60secFesival an verschiedenen öffentlichen Orten in Dänemark präsentiert. Aktuell wird ihr Kurzfilm When Rivers Run Into the Ocean auf der digitalen Plattform OTV – Open Television, USA, Chicago, ausgestrahlt.
Natasha Vergilio ist eine brasilianische Künstlerin und lebt in Berlin. Sie kann auf dreizehn Jahre Erfahrung als Performerin, Movement Director und Choreographin zugreifen. Im Laufe der Jahre verfeinerte sie die Nutzung von Intuition und Physis in ihrer Kunst. Zusammen mit Daniele Caetano gründete sie das Duo We are Water Creators, dessen Fokus auf Kurzfilmen, Photographie und Performance liegt. Vergillos Perfomances Não Existe Um Nome and A Potência do Anonimato zirkulierten von 2016 bis 2018 in verschiedenen Kulturinstitutionen Brasiliens. Trust the Move wurde 2018 bei Ausufern: Carte – Blanche in den Uferstudios in Berlin gezeigt. Zudem performte und choreographierte Vergilio 2018 das Stück Aus dem Hinterhalt: Wozzeck unter Regie des Künstlers Black Cracker in der Tischlerei – Deutsche Oper Berlin. Sie performte auch von 2019 bis 2020 im Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Jao Moons Everybody Can Be, Everybody Can Not Be.
Daniele Caetano ist eine brasilianische Filmemacherin, Photographin und Videokünstlerin, die momentan in Berlin lebt. Caetano machte ihren Abschluss in Audiovisuellen Medien in São Paulo, Brasilien und war 2015 Finalistin des ABC Award of Brazilian Cinematography in der Kategorie Beste Kamera mit ihrem Kurzfilm Under the Cherry Trees. Caetano interessiert sich für Tanz, Bewegung und Video – Themen, die sie über die Jahre in Experimenten und spontanen Schöpfungen erforscht hat.