Catalog Edition 22, 14.10.2022

Everything that’s left

Sita Ostheimer, Jonathan Sanchez
Spain 2021

This is for you. For you, who is looking for a new beginning. For you, who feels nothing and feels too much at the same time. For you, whose body I can recognize from far away and who is alien to me when being close.
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  • #Title: Everything that's left
  • #Director: Sita Ostheimer, Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Country of Production: Spain
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:03:08
  • #Dance and Acting: Maïlee Mouttou, Fanny Laï
  • #Camera: Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Editing: Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Music: Ori Alboher
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: