PEARL 21, 11.09.2021


Ran Bensimon, Sita Ostheimer, Yehezkel Raz
Israel, Germany 2021

Furthermore, foolish hearts, gonna find you
Furthermore, hands fly apart, gonna hold you
Furthermore, little is true, gonna let you go
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  • #Title: Furthermore
  • #Director: Ran Bensimon, Sita Ostheimer, Yehezkel Raz
  • #Country of Production: Israel, Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:03:37
  • #Music: Yehezkel Raz & Sita Ostheimer - Furthermore
  • #Animation: Ran Bensimon (VFX & Augmented Reality Artist)
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021


Tam Suet Wa
Germany 2021

When the immortal sunlight sweeps across the body, the breathing movement becomes the vibration and the skin is the clock.
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  • #Title: Pass
  • #Director: Tam Suet Wa
  • #Choreography: Tam Suet Wa
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:05:52
  • #Dance and Acting: Tam Suet Wa
  • #Camera: Tam Suet Wa
  • #Editing: Tam Suet Wa
  • #Sound: Stefan Popien
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021

Beneath Sky Snakes

Cameron McMillan
New Zealand, United Kingdom 2020

‘Beneath Sky Snakes’ is a video-dance work filmed during the first few days as New Zealand emerged from its first lockdown due to the global Coronavirus pandemic in late May 2020.
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  • #Title: Beneath Sky Snakes
  • #Director: Cameron McMillan
  • #Choreography: Cameron McMillan
  • #Country of Production: New Zealand, United Kingdom
  • #Year of Production: 2020
  • #Duration: 00:11:18
  • #Dance and Acting: Cameron McMillan
  • #Camera: Cameron McMillan, Mark Dwyer
  • #Editing: Cameron McMillan
  • #Sound: Cameron McMillan
  • #Music: Richárd Riederaur
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021

The Soft Bit

Jana Irmert
Germany 2021

Two hands bend up, slowly at first, then sharply, as if directing the ground to lift. Up and down again, up and down. With The Soft Bit, Jana Irmert explores movement, sound and image in a cinematic way.
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  • #Title: The Soft Bit
  • #Director: Jana Irmert
  • #Choreography: Lingji Hon
  • #Production: Jana Irmert
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:07:02
  • #Dance and Acting: Lingji Hon
  • #Camera: Tobias Schütze
  • #Editing: Tobias Schütze, Jana Irmert
  • #Music: Jana Irmert
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021


Simone Wierød
Denmark 2020

BEYOND is the aesthetic response to one of humankind’s current strategies to handle a global pandemic. Removing oneself from civilization and detaching from whatever does not serve us anymore. Exploring new truths and roads to inner peace seems to be the only way to rise above collective anxiety.
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  • #Title: BEYOND
  • #Director: Simone Wierød
  • #Choreography: Simone Wierød
  • #Country of Production: Denmark
  • #Year of Production: 2020
  • #Duration: 00:03:38
  • #Dance and Acting: Christina Dyekjær
  • #Camera: Tim Panduro
  • #Editing: Tim Panduro
  • #Music: M€RCY
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021


Sebastien De Buyl
USA, Belgium 2020

A spirit wanders with a mysterious light.
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  • #Title: Spectre
  • #Director: Sebastien De Buyl
  • #Choreography: Sebastien De Buyl
  • #Production: Terlingua Films
  • #Country of Production: USA, Belgium
  • #Year of Production: 2020
  • #Duration: 00:02:51
  • #Dance and Acting: Sebastien De Buyl
  • #Camera: Sebastien De Buyl
  • #Editing: Sebastien De Buyl
  • #Sound: Calousis
  • #Music: Gaël de Ville
  • #Trailer:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021


Andrea Hackl
Spain, France, Netherlands 2020

Bela Beltza [Basque – black raven]
A dreamy fairytale taking you into the high mountains, leading through a soul landscape. It’s a meditation on lightness, birth and death. Inspired by the wisdom of the raven, it’s an ode to the freedom of our spirit and the power of our soul.
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  • #Title: BELE BELTZA
  • #Director: Andrea Hackl
  • #Production: Andrea Hackl Projects
  • #Country of Production: Spain, France, Netherlands
  • #Year of Production: 2020
  • #Duration: 00:08:24
  • #Dance and Acting: Andrea Hackl
  • #Camera: Andrea Hackl
  • #Editing: Andrea Hackl
  • #Music: Vero Mota, Raffaele Schiavo,, Andrea Hackl
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021

Endless Correspondences

Megumi Eda
Germany 2021

Throughout my 30-year dance career, I have gradually evolved an image system that I consider thencore of my dance style which is now more important to me than actual dance technique. This image system has to do with nostalgic landscapes that I “see” while I am dancing.

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  • #Title: Endless Correspondences
  • #Director: Megumi Eda
  • #Production: 2021
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:03:52
  • #Dance and Acting: Megumi Eda
  • #Camera: Megumi Eda
  • #Editing: Megumi Eda
  • #Music: Reiko Yamada
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021

All that is the case

Diego Agulló
Germany 2010

“The touch is the truth” (Antisthenes)
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  • #Title: All that is the case
  • #Director: Diego Agulló
  • #Choreography: Diego Agulló
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2010
  • #Duration: 00:04:23
  • #Dance and Acting: Diego Agulló
  • #Editing: Diego Agulló
  • #Sound: Diego Agulló
  • #Webpage:
PEARL 21, 11.09.2021

Everything that’s left

Sita Ostheimer, Jonathan Sanchez
Spain 2021

This is for you. For you, who is looking for a new beginning. For you, who feels nothing and feels too much at the same time. For you, whose body I can recognise from far away and who is alien to me when being close. For you, whose back is telling me more than the face I’m holding between my hands. For you, who doesn’t feel synchronised with anyone, who is longing to connect – waiting, falling, stumbling. For you, the one I’m running after.
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  • #Title: Everything that's left
  • #Director: Sita Ostheimer, Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Country of Production: Spain
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:03:08
  • #Dance and Acting: Maïlee Mouttou, Fanny Laï
  • #Camera: Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Editing: Jonathan Sanchez
  • #Music: Ori Alboher