Thuis, Home, Heimat is a combination of photo works and a video.
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- Titel: Home, Heimat
- Director//Regie: Miloushka Bokma
- Choreography//Choreographie: Miloushka Bokma
- Country of Production//Land: Netherlands
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2018
- Duration//Dauer: 00:07:50
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Lien Baelde, Geert Dekkers, Benjamin Gijzel, Mari-Carmen de Haan, Mireia Izquierdo, Jet Kragt, Jildou Kroes, Meli Kuhn, Laurenz Kuhn, Marc Staljanssens
- Camera//Kamera: Theresa Kuhn
- Montage: Remi Lindenhovius
- Sound//Ton: Rutger Zuydervelt
- Webpage//Webseite: