Programme 13.09.2018

Home, Heimat

Thuis, Home, Heimat is a combination of photo works and a video.

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Miloushka Bokma
Netherlands 2018

Thuis, Home, Heimat is a combination of photo works and a video. The guiding principle of these works is the endless stream of photos of refugees that I see on a daily basis. Situations that touch me, a certain posture or face expression form images in my head that I put on scene on location.

I have consciously chosen to work with Western people. By letting Western people figure in my work, I want to bring the refugee problem closer. This is not something that is far away and therefore does not concern us. This can happen to us all.

Being displaced, losing and how you deal with this is a recurring theme in my work. I am interested in the common of emotions. Everywhere people experience happiness, love, regret, longing, hope, frustration or fear. By looking at the photo’s and the video work, I want to share the audience with these feelings. That many experiences are universal, even if you experience them alone, is a comforting thought.

The video symbolically shows an endless stream of people and how they struggle with their feelings of impotence and displacement.

Watch the film :

  • #Title: Home, Heimat
  • #Director: Miloushka Bokma
  • #Choreography: Miloushka Bokma
  • #Country of Production: Netherlands
  • #Year of Production: 2018
  • #Duration: 00:07:50
  • #Dance and Acting: Lien Baelde, Geert Dekkers, Benjamin Gijzel, Mari-Carmen de Haan, Mireia Izquierdo, Jet Kragt, Jildou Kroes, Meli Kuhn, Laurenz Kuhn, Marc Staljanssens
  • #Camera: Theresa Kuhn
  • #Editing: Remi Lindenhovius
  • #Sound: Rutger Zuydervelt
  • #Webpage: