Programme 13.09.2018

The Magma Chamber

Behind closed doors, a woman with no face embodies a serie of threatening sound figures as she becomes the playground and the battlefield of feminine entities. Is she a witch ?
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Shantala Pèpe
Belgium, France 2018
Behind closed doors, a woman with no face embodies a serie of threatening sound figures as she becomes the playground and the battlefield of feminine entities. Is she a witch ? A spider-woman, a goddess, a she-wolf or a carnivorous plant ? And will they triumph over the woman they colonised ? The Magma Chamber is a discourse without words, a cry without voice, that tells us the violences and the ambivalences contained in the archetypes structuring female identity.

  • Titel: The Magma Chamber
  • Director//Regie: Shantala Pèpe
  • Choreography//Choreographie: Shantala Pèpe
  • Co-production//Koproduktion: Stéla - DesArts // DesCinés
  • Country of Production//Land: Belgium, France
  • Year of Production//Jahr: 2018
  • Duration//Dauer: 00:19:00
  • Dance and Performance//Tanz: Shantala Pèpe
  • Camera//Kamera: Antonin de Bemels
  • Montage: Antonin de Bemels, Shantala Pèpe
  • Sound//Ton: Antonin de Bemels
  • Music//Musik: Antonin de Bemels
  • Webpage//Webseite: