Pearls 16.09.2012


A young dancer auditions for a role. Relayed in a striking new format, her personal, contemporary choreography intimates her private passions and artistic dreams, culminating in the revelation of a peculiar practice – the secret of her preparations.
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Joshan Esfandiari Martin
Germany, Austria, United Kingdoms 2010

A young dancer auditions for a role. Relayed in a striking new format, her personal, contemporary choreography intimates her private passions and artistic dreams, culminating in the revelation of a peculiar practice – the secret of her preparations.

  • Director//Regie: Joshan Esfandiari Martin
  • Choreography//Choreographie: Saskia Oidtmann
  • Country of Production//Land: Germany, Austria, United Kingdoms
  • Year of Production//Jahr: 2010
  • Duration//Dauer: 00:05:00
  • Dance and Performance//Tanz: Eva Kessler
  • Camera//Kamera: Tobias von dem Borne
  • Montage: Stefan Lengauer
  • Sound//Ton: Felix Andriessens
  • Music//Musik: Marian Mentrup