PEARL 21, 08.09.2021

Insular Bodies

Insular Bodies plays with materialities. What happens when we horizontalize human and biological, flesh and stone, wind, water and hair? Insular Bodies draws our attention to the wacky entanglements between the human and the non-human, the living and the non-living, and develops poetic images of an ecology that does not show hierarchies but rather approaches utopian scenarios of consonance.
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Stephanie Thiersch
Germany 2020

Insular Bodies plays with materialities. What happens when we horizontalize human and biological, flesh and stone, wind, water and hair? Insular Bodies draws our attention to the wacky entanglements between the human and the non-human, the living and the non-living, and develops poetic images of an ecology that does not show hierarchies but rather approaches utopian scenarios of consonance.

Still from Insular Bodies, ©MOUVOIR / Hajo Schomerus

Insular Bodies ist ein Spiel mit Materialitäten. Was passiert, wenn wir Menschliches und Biologisches, Fleisch und Stein, Wind, Wasser und Haare horizontalisieren? „Insular Bodies“ lenkt unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die verrückten Verstrickungen zwischen Menschlichem und Nicht-Menschlichem, auf Lebendiges und Nicht-Lebendiges und
entwickelt poetische Bilder einer Ökologie, die keine Hierarchien zeigt, sondern sich utopischen Szenarien des Einklangs nähert.

  • #Director: Stephanie Thiersch
  • #Production: MOUVOIR
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2020
  • #Duration: 00:23:41
  • #Dance and Acting: Fabien Almakiewicz, Neus Barcons Roca, Alexis “Maca” Fernández, Gyung Moo Kim, Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart, Manon Parent, Camille Revol, Joel Suárez Gómez
  • #Camera: Hajo Schomerus
  • #Editing: Julia Franken
  • #Music: Brigitta Muntendorf
  • #Screenplay: Stephanie Thiersch
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: