PEARL 21, 08.09.2021

A Collective Sacrifice

‘If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound? There is something about the complete lack of human noise deep in a forest that is so peaceful and yet so jarring.
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The Samaya Wives (Pippa & Tara Samaya)
Germany 2021

‘If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound? There is something about the complete lack of human noise deep in a forest that is so peaceful and yet so jarring. The jarring element reminds me of how epic these trees are. how far into the sky they reach and how low their roots anchor them. how many creatures they support. how many colours they don in a year. how bravely they dance. and how mindlessly they get hacked down. Slayed giants at the tiny axes of humans. i bow to them with shame and deep apology. accept this offering dear ones. we see your sacrifice, one you didn’t volunteer for, and i smell your beautiful sap seeping in surrender to a fate you may or may not have known you were destined for. you lie there next to each other, so beautiful, so graceful, so together in your collective sacrifice. may i be this peaceful, may i be this willing, may i be this surrendered to those moments in life that slay me. cut me down. may i let those parts of me that have fallen lie in peace, in deep quiet worthwhile beauty, reminding me of why that which falls must be recognised to gain meaning. sacrifice can be worthwhile, can be essential, can be beautiful, as long as we make it worth it. Make their collective sacrifice worth it. use wood wisely. sit at your wooden table with gratitude. write on your paper with love. walk on your wooden floors with reverence. you might have not heard the tree fall, but it did. for you. for us. let’s make their sacrifice worth it. What are you willing to sacrifice to make theirs worth it? ‘

  • Titel: A Collective Sacrifice
  • Director//Regie: The Samaya Wives (Pippa & Tara Samaya)
  • Choreography//Choreographie: Tara Jade Samaya
  • Country of Production//Land: Germany
  • Year of Production//Jahr: 2021
  • Duration//Dauer: 00:07:10
  • Dance and Performance//Tanz: Tara Jade Samaya
  • Camera//Kamera: Pippa Samaya
  • Montage: Pippa Samaya
  • Music//Musik: Hans Christian
  • Webpage//Webseite: