Programme 12.09.2013

The Greater the Weight

In The Greater The Weight, dancer and choreographer Dana Michel assembles extremely physical movement — a remnant from her previous training in track and touch football — with mathematical precision and poetic improvisation.
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Marlene Millar, Philip Szporer
Canada 2008

In The Greater The Weight, dancer and choreographer Dana Michel assembles extremely physical movement — a remnant from her previous training in track and touch football — with mathematical precision and poetic improvisation. The result is an exploration of the body as an instrument in a symphony of rupture and flow.

  • #Director: Marlene Millar, Philip Szporer
  • #Choreography: Dana Michel
  • #Country of Production: Canada
  • #Year of Production: 2008
  • #Duration: 00:05:20
  • #Dance and Acting: Dana Michel
  • #Camera: Bill Kerrigan
  • #Editing: Dexter X
  • #Music: Ghislain Poirier