Still from Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren with the courtsey of Re:Voir
19. & 20. Januar 2019, Theater of Athens School of Fine Arts, Piraeus, 256
We are happy to collaborate once again with the Athens Video Dance Project and to contribute two films to their beautiful program “Woman in action”, that brings together many strong and impressive female voices in the field of dance film.
On January 19th, 20 pm, the film “Abismo” by Aïda Colmenero Dïaz will be presented to the audience as part of a selection of international short films made by women.
On the 20th of January, 22.15pm, we will present together with AVDP “Meshes of the Afternoon” by dance film pioneer Maya Deren.
Our first edition of POOL Shine was dedicated to her film-choreographies as well as to her theoretical works on dance film. Here you can find the whole program of this special program from 2015. https://pool-festival.de/pool-15/pool-shine-maya-deren/
Find the whole program of ADVP here: https://www.docdroid.net/PTHv37b/avdp-program-2019.pdf