Ocean’s memories unfolds as an encounter between a dancer and a musician, musing along on a deserted beach. In the cold light, in the wind, by the water and the golden sand, the elements mix to accompany their vivid choreography.
- Titel: Ocean's Memories
- Director//Regie: Bertrand Guerry & Thibaut Ras
- Choreography//Choreographie: Jérémy Martinez, Quelen Lamouroux, Cloé Vaurillon, Sylvain Robine
- Country of Production//Land: France
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2015
- Duration//Dauer: 00:08:42
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Jérémy Martinez, Quelen Lamouroux, Cloé Vaurillon, Sylvain Robine
- Camera//Kamera: Bruno Sourbier
- Montage: Thibaut Ras
- Sound//Ton: Olivier Pfeiffer & Sophie Berger
- Music//Musik: Thomas Barrandon
- #Signature: P16 04