POOL SHINE 09.09.15

A Study in Choreography for Camera

Maya Deren

Still aus A Study in Choreography for Camera, 1945. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir A Study in Choreography for Camera was made by Talley Beatty as dancer, and by me as director and photographer. I had felt that in most dance films the restiveness of the camera – with its closeups, its views from the wings, […]
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  • #Title: A Study in Choreography for Camera
  • #Director: Maya Deren
  • #Choreography: Talley Beatty
  • #Year of Production: 1945
  • #Duration: 00:03:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Talley Beatty
  • #Camera: Hella Heyman, Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren
  • #Editing: Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren
POOL SHINE 09.09.15

Ritual in Transfigured Time

Maya Deren

Still aus Ritual in Transfigured Time, 1946. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir A ritual is an action distinguished from all others in that it seeks the realization of its purpose through the exercise of form. In this sense ritual is art; and even historically, all art derives from ritual. In ritual, the form is the meaning. More […]
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  • #Title: Ritual in Transfigured Time
  • #Director: Maya Deren
  • #Choreography: Frank Westbrook
  • #Year of Production: 1946
  • #Duration: 00:15:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Rita Christiani, Anaïs Nin, Frank Westbrook, Maya Deren
  • #Camera: Hella Heyman, Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren
  • #Editing: Alexander Hammid, Maya Deren
POOL SHINE 09.09.15

Meshes of the Afternoon

Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid

Still aus Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir I started out by thinking in terms of a subjective camera, one that would show only what I could see by myself without the aid of mirrors and which would move through the house as if it were a pair of eyes, pausing with […]
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  • #Title: Meshes of the Afternoon
  • #Director: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid
  • #Year of Production: 1943
  • #Duration: 00:14:00
POOL SHINE 09.09.15

Meditation on Violence

Maya Deren

Still aus Meditation on Violence, 1948. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir From the moment I saw Ch‘ao-li Chi, who performs in the film, do the first few movements from the training exercises of Chinese boxing I felt that it was perfect for film. The Wu Tang school is based on the idea of absorbing the force […]
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  • #Title: Meditation on Violence
  • #Director: Maya Deren
  • #Year of Production: 1948
  • #Duration: 00:13:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Ch‘ao-li Chi
  • #Camera: Maya Deren
  • #Editing: Maya Deren
POOL SHINE 09.09.15

The Very Eye of Night

Maya Deren

Still aus The Very Eye of Night, 1958. Mit Genehmigung von Re:Voir The laws of macro- and microcosm are alike. Travel in the interior is as a voyage in outer space: we must in each case burst past the circumference of our surface – our here-space and now-time – and, cut loose from the anchorage […]
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  • #Title: The Very Eye of Night
  • #Director: Maya Deren
  • #Choreography: Antony Tudor, Metropolitan Opera Ballet School
  • #Year of Production: 1958
  • #Duration: 00:15:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Philp Salem, Rosemary Williams, Richard Englund, Richard Sandifer, Don Freisinger, Patricia Ferrier, Barbara Levin, Bud Bready, Genaro Gomez
  • #Camera: Maya Deren
  • #Editing: Maya Deren
  • #Sound: Teiji Ito
  • #Foley: Harrison Starr