Ontkoppeling shows an artificial context in which two characters fail to connect with daily life. A very precise and articulated movement language, shapes this artificial display of reality. The sterile environment articulates the disconnection of recognizable actions and takes the spectator along into an artificial world, drawn from a forgotten past on how to behave as a human being. The two characters take the audience through an altered depiction of reality.
- Titel: Ontkoppeling
- Director//Regie: Collective 2Deform
- Production//Produktion: Collective 2Deform by Danielle Huyghe and Nathalie Vermeiren
- Country of Production//Land: Netherlands
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2021
- Duration//Dauer: 00:06:34
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Danielle Huyghe, Nathalie Vermeiren
- Camera//Kamera: Gijs Ebben
- Montage: Danielle Huyghe, Nathalie Vermeiren
- Webpage//Webseite:
- Trailer: