“When Time Stops” takes place in the vibrant and fast-paced urban landscape of Nairobi, where the frantic rhythm of city life is ever-present. Amidst the chaos, a solitary male figure emerges, yearning for stillness in a world that never pauses. As the relentless speed of modern life overwhelms him, he embarks on a personal quest to halt time itself. In his search for a moment of peace, he confronts the tension between the demands of the external world and his deep desire for inner freedom, uncovering the transformative power of pause and reflection. Through this journey, “When Time Stops” offers a contemplative exploration of self-liberation in a society that rarely slows down.
Inmitten der pulsierenden urbanen Landschaft Nairobis bricht der Protagonist aus der Hektik des Alltags aus.
Curated by // kuratiert von: Louise Coetzer & Oscar O’Ryan
- Titel: When Time Stops
- Director//Regie: Emmanuel Heri
- Choreography//Choreographie: Maulid Owino
- Production//Produktion: Dance Unites
- Country of Production//Land: Kenya
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2023
- Duration//Dauer: 00:03:02
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Maulid Owino
- Camera//Kamera: Mohammed Ayieko
- Montage: Emmanuel Heri
- Sound//Ton: Sebastian Plano
- Music//Musik: Fortanach
- Screenplay//Drehbuch: Maulid Owino
- Webpage//Webseite: www.instagram.com/maulidowino._?igsh=MW1zY29pcGplOXFrdg==
- Trailer: youtu.be/Nd65u3bt270