PEARL 24, 18.10.2024

Sun Touched

A preapocaplyptic tale on how the cosmic force of the sun governs delicate human life.
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Silja Tuovinen
Finland 2023

SUN TOUCHED – AURINGON POLTTAMA is an experimental choreographic film about our inability to escape the running of time. Two characters pace over a scarce landscape under the soft rays of the sun, gently pushing through their inevitable final moments on earth. Sun Touched mirrors the finitude and delicateness of human life to the massive and life defining cosmic force of the sun that fiercely gove.

  • #Title: Sun Touched
  • #Director: Silja Tuovinen
  • #Country of Production: Finland
  • #Year of Production: 2023
  • #Duration: 00:08:20
  • #Dance and Acting: Ella Seikkala, Olli Sukuvaara
  • #Music: Joao Moreira
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: