In a captivating exploration of identity, [hair]mogenous intertwines the stories of two dancers through the powerful symbolism of hair. This visually striking screendance challenges our perceptions of individuality and unity, revealing the beauty in both contrast and connection. Witness a stunning montage of gestures that celebrate the delicate balance between difference and similarity.
Eine Verflechtung von Geschichten und Perspektiven; der*die Einzelne als Teil eines größeren Gewebes.
Curated by // kuratiert von: Louise Coetzer & Oscar O’Ryan
- Titel: [Hair]mogenous
- Director//Regie: Tania Vossgatter
- Choreography//Choreographie: Tania Vossgatter
- Country of Production//Land: South Africa
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2017
- Duration//Dauer: 00:05:00
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Shirley-Anne Bezuidenhout, Adriana Jamisse
- Camera//Kamera: Marco King
- Montage: Tania Vossgatter, Marco King
- Music//Musik: Richard Vossgatter
- Webpage//Webseite:
- Trailer: