PEARL 22, 15.10.2022


This film is inspired by a week of fire in Tighmert, an oasis inhabited by Saharan nomads, in the Guelmim- Oued Noun region of Morocco. In 2020, a fire will take over the oasis for a week.
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Said El Haddaji
Morocco 2021

This film is inspired by a week of fire in Tighmert, an oasis inhabited by Saharan nomads, in the Guelmim- Oued Noun region of Morocco. In 2020, a fire will take over the oasis for a week. The inhabitants try to extinguish the fire with very little equipment, but the fire engulfs and spares only half of the palm trees. The inhabitants say: “the palm trees are the guarantors and witnesses of our lives and our cultures. They existed before us and before our ancestors. During the fire, some of the older people are opposed to leaving the oasis and prefer to die under the fire. I found in this week, a very strong image of the love and attachment that binds the nomads to nature. Two years later, the palm trees express their resistance; the green comes out of the ashes.

  • #Title: A WEEK FROM HELL
  • #Director: Said El Haddaji
  • #Choreography: Said El Haddaji
  • #Production: Christoph Winkler Company / Hna-Ya Company
  • #Country of Production: Morocco
  • #Year of Production: 2021
  • #Duration: 00:07:38
  • #Dance and Acting: Said El Haddaji
  • #Camera: Abdelmounim El Allami
  • #Editing: Abdelmounim El Allami
  • #Sound: Ilyass Benabou
  • #Music: Ilyass Benabou
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: