We’re excited to cooperate with b12 festival that presents a co-curated program of fascinating dance film productions at EDEN Studios*****, Berlin, on July 10th and 26th 2022, 11 pm.
The selected films address various topics, such as the relationship between the human body and nature, its (political) role in civic environments and its physical and emotional sensitivity and fragility. the unforgiving singularity by johannes wieland is a political driven documentary style film, uncovering the hidden thoughts of performers and their take on the current political, cultural and social landscape.
The films open up new perspectives on our body and on our being, presenting its magic, mystery, power and beauty.
A big thank you to all participating artists!
BEYOND | Simone Wierød | Dänemark 2020 | 00:03:38
The Wind | Johan Planefeldt, Shiran Eliaserov | Deutschland 2016 | 00:27:00
The Shadow Drone Project | Charles Linehan | Vereinigtes Königreich / Litauen 2018 | 00:09:45
the unforgiving singularity | johannes wieland | deutschland / japan 2021 | 00:28:00
SALTO | Marc Philipp Gabriel | Portugal 2020 | 00:10:00

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