Programme 2007

Time Copy

Time Copy is a short experimental dance film it was inspired by the children’s book MoMo from author Michael Ende. The film is about time, and about the vibe of a mess of people, in this case, dancers.

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Carina Hesper
Germany, Anheim 2007

Time Copy is a short experimental dance film it was inspired by the children’s book MoMo from author Michael Ende. The film is about time, and about the vibe of a mess of people, in this case, dancers. In real the dancer dance slowly. Then it was up to the director to manipulate the speed of the movements, and also to manipulate the order of the choreography. The goal was also to look for the boundaries of a computer program, in this Final Cut Pro. The director was in charge of the speed of the movements and the dynamics of the choreography. On the other hand is the film about the longing to belong to the group, but also the fear of getting lost in it, the fear of losing yourself and giving up your identity. For the music, Falk Hübner used five voices, and also manipulated them with the help of a computer Programm.

  • Director//Regie: Carina Hesper
  • Country of Production//Land: Germany, Anheim
  • Year of Production//Jahr: 2007
  • Duration//Dauer: 00:10:10