Programm 27.11.2008

SLICE – a visceral dissection

SLICE is a stark and beautiful experimental art video created by Swedish choreographer and butoh artist SU-EN in collaboraton with video artist Rickard Sporrong and British composer Lee Berwick.

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Su-En, Su-En Butoh Company

SLICE is a stark and beautiful experimental art video created by Swedish choreographer and butoh artist SU-EN in collaboraton with video artist Rickard Sporrong and British composer Lee Berwick. The video presents the body as a living organism, a living sculpture. It is a visceral dissection of the body, a playful dissonance between the inside and the outside . The images are strong: fi shguts, maggots, extreme close ups of the body. Through these strong and beautiful images we want to invite the viewer to the inner life of the body.

  • #Director: Su-En, Su-En Butoh Company
  • #Choreography: Su-En
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Duration: 00:08:30
  • #Dance and Acting: Su-En
  • #Camera: Rickard Sporrong/Rrong Production
  • #Editing: Rickard Sporrong/ Rrong Productions
  • #Webpage: