PEARL 13.09.14

The Thing with Feathers

the lucky ones never die the lucky ones
learn to fly
silenceis sound
and bubbles that burst on the surface of silence

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Rain Kencana, Jalaludin Trautmann, Miguel Angelo Pate
Germany 2014
the lucky ones never die the lucky ones
learn to fly
silenceis sound
and bubbles that burst on the surface of silence
we were fortune tigers
in the veins of lucky land
golden tigers’
track riders
dancers of dawn
and lucky charmwe spin this world
fortune tigers never leave tracks so they won’t hurt each other my intend is sandsand of our pastsand of our future
just you
you make the difference made from secret texture rising high and higher
woven into winds
hope is the thing with feathers

the lucky ones
the lucky ones learn to fly
here you are again bird of birds

such of touch
hope is the thing with feathers

Poem by Jinn Pogy

  • #Title: The Thing with Feathers
  • #Director: Rain Kencana, Jalaludin Trautmann, Miguel Angelo Pate
  • #Choreography: Amigo aka Kadir Memis
  • #Country of Production: Germany
  • #Year of Production: 2014
  • #Duration: 00:04:00
  • #Dance and Acting: Yui Kawaguchi, Kadir Amigo Memi
  • #Camera: Jalaludin Trautmann
  • #Editing: Rain Kencana
  • #Music: Chriz Falk, Raphael Schalz, Michael Schlücker
  • #Signature: PE 14 02