Elaine Summers | 1973 | USA | 00:11:16
3rd – 12th September 2021
Installation at Zionskirche
1 – 6 pm | 13.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Free entrance | Freier Eintritt

„Film is very much a dance medium, […] it presents many facets of dance: slow motion, fantasy of configuration, manipulation of space, distortion of time.“
Elaine Summers
Filmed with an ultra high-speed camera, the original 3 minutes of encounter between two performers turn into a soft and stretched stream of movement that visualizes even smallest details.
Conceived & directed by Elaine Summers
Cinematography: Bill Rowley
Performance: Ellen Krueger, Monica Wilson
About Elaine Summers
„The work of Elaine Summers invites us to go beyond established categories or styles. It invites us to go beyond “secure” frames of perception. In fact, the very frame is deregulated, no longer a “safe” guided experience, but going beyond. […] Perception is liberated to flow where it will, guiding the way in the moment.“
Thomas Körtvélyessy
Elaine Summers (February 20, 1925 – December 27, 2014) was an American choreographer, experimental filmmaker, and intermedia pioneer. She was a founding member of the original workshop-group that would form the Judson Dance Theater and she significantly contributed to the interaction of film and dance, as well as the expansion of dance into other related disciplines, such as visual art, film, and theater. She fostered the expansion of performing dance in new, often outdoor locations. Her movement approach Kinetic Awareness® offers a comprehensive perspective on human movement and dance.
All Elaine Summers materials shown with courtesy of Thomas Körtvélyessy for the Artistic Estate of Elaine Summers, made possible by the Kinetic Awareneness® Center, with special thanks to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.

„Film is very much a dance medium, […] it presents many facets of dance: slow motion, fantasy of configuration, manipulation of space, distortion of time.“
Elaine Summers
Mit einer ultra high-speed Kamera gefilmt, wird eine ursprünglich knapp dreiminütige Begegnung zweier Performer*innen zu einem weichen, gedehnten Bewegungsfluss, der kleinste Bewegungsdetails sichtbar werden lässt.
Konzept und Regie: Elaine Summers
Kamera: Bill Rowley
Performance: Ellen Krueger, Monica Wilson
Über Elaine Summers
Elaine Summers (20. Februar 1925 – 27. Dezember 2014) war eine US-amerikanische Choreografin, experimentelle Filmemacherin und Pionierin der Intermedia Art. 1962 war sie Gründungsmitglied des Judson Dance Theaters. Sie arbeitete künstlerisch wie kuratorisch maßgeblich an der Schnittstelle von Tanz und Film. In ihren interdisziplinären Arbeiten verbinden sich Tanz, bildende Kunst, Film, Skulptur und Theater. Sie forcierte nicht nur die Entgrenzung der Künste, sondern suchte auch nach neuen, oft im Freien gelegenen Orten, für Aufführungen und Performances. Ihr Bewegungsansatz Kinetic Awareness® bietet eine umfassende Perspektive auf menschliche Bewegung und Tanz.
Alle gezeigten Materialien von Elaine Summers mit freundlicher Genehmigung durch Thomas Körtvélyessy für den Künstlerischen Nachlass von Elaine Summers, ermöglicht durch das Kinetic Awareneness® Center, mit besonderem Dank an die Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.