“the worst thing is that we cast a blind eye to catastrophes that aren’t even what we think they are”
Workshop with Yoshiko Chuma
September 8th – 10th, 2021
10 – 11.30 am
Theater hall of DOCK 11

Participants will work on shifting concepts from the two dimensional 3:4 rectangle to the body. The investigation process of transformation from intellectual concepts to physical movements will be an exercise for both the brain and the body. We will use our own gestures, words, images and experiences to create movement. Dance is a monologue, flowing resistance activity using dance to deliver a delicate and powerful message. How do these practices speak to urgent political and global issues today?
Participants will be asked to bring a smartphone, a laptop and 10 ordinary props (e.g. plastic cups, weather bottles, hat, sunglasses…).
Workshop Fee: 60 €
It’s recommanded to come all three days, but it’s also possible to join just for one or two sessions (price 20 € per session).
Registration & payment details: info@pool-festival.de
Yoshiko Chuma (conceptual artist, choreographer/artistic director of The School of Hard Knocks) has been a firebrand in the post-modern dance scene of New York City since the 1980s, has been consistently producing thought-provoking work that is neither dance nor theater nor film nor any other pre-determined category. She is an artist on her own journey, a path that has taken her to over 40 “out of the way” countries and collected over 2000 artists, thinkers and collaborators of every genre since establishing her company in New York City in 1980. The School of Hard Knocks was founded as a company of diverse backgrounds. Its purpose is to create, perform, encourage and sponsor experimental and multi-disciplinary and multi-media work. The School of Hard Knocks is an ongoing phenomenon—its shape as diverse as the situations the company performs in—from street performances to formal theatre/dance concerts to large scale spectacles. Company activities include an annual New York season, ongoing development and rehearsal of new works, and performances/residencies and collaborations with local artists on tour throughout the United States, East and Central Europe, Asia, Middle East, and South America.
Over the course of the company’s history, more than 2,000 people have performed under Chuma’s direction. Notable international performers have been involved in the School of Hard Knocks over its 40 year history, including Stephen Petronio, Vicky Schick, Jodi Melnick, David Zambrano, Sasha Waltz, Sarah Michelson, DD Dorvillier, Allyson Green, Miriam Parker, Simon Courchel, John Jasperse, David Dorfman, and many others.
Between 1979 and 1982 Yoshiko Chuma directed seven films on 16 mm, that were shown for the very first time in Europe at POOL Shine.
Innerhalb des Workshops setzten wir uns damit auseinander, wie Konzepte des Zweidimensionalen und Filmischen auf den Körper übertragen werden können. Der Prozess der Transformation intellektueller Konzepte in physische Bewegungen, den wir gemeinsam erforschen werden, stellt zugleich eine Übung für Geist und Körper dar. Wir werden unsere eigenen Gesten, Worte, Bilder und Erfahrungen nutzen, um Bewegung zu erzeugen. Tanz ist ein Monolog, eine fließende Widerstandsaktivität, die die Bewegung nutzt, um eine kraftvolle und zugleich feinfühlige Botschaft zu vermitteln. Im Workshop geht es darum, wie sich mittels dieser Praktik aktuelle politische und globale Themenfelder der Gegenwart adressieren lassen.
Die Teilnehmer*innen werden gebeten, ein Smartphone, einen Laptop und 10 Alltagsgegenstände (wie z.B. Plastiktassen, Sonnenbrille, Hut etc.) mitzubringen.
Kosten: 60 €
Es wird empfohlen, an allen Workshoptagen teilzunehmen, aber auch die Teilnahme an einzelnen Sessions ist möglich (Preis 20 €).
Anmeldung & Zahlungsdetails: info@pool-festival.de
Yoshiko Chuma ist Choreographin und künstlerische Leiterin der Company The School of Hard Knocks. Geboren in Osaka, Japan, lebt und arbeitet sie seit 1976 in New York. Yoshiko Chuma hat mehr als 60 Bühnenstücke und site-specific Performances produziert. Zwischen 1979 und 1982 drehte Yoshiko Chuma sieben 16 mm Filme, die bei POOL Shine erstmalig in Europa präsentiert wurden.