PEARL 24, 18.10.2024

How Did I End Up Here

How did I end up here? One moment, I was soaring with the birds, winds, and clouds, and the next, I found myself here.
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Russell Morton
Singapore, Vietnam 2024

How Did I End Up Here? is a short film that delves into the existential theme of perpetual struggle, echoing the myth of Sisyphus. Through the interplay of movement, digital glitches, and a cyclical narrative structure, the film encapsulates the tension between persistence and entrapment within the rhythms of daily life.

  • #Title: How Did I End Up Here
  • #Director: Russell Morton
  • #Choreography: Melissa Quek
  • #Production: Cinemovement Lab I (Hanoi, 2015)
  • #Country of Production: Singapore, Vietnam
  • #Year of Production: 2024
  • #Duration: 00:01:59
  • #Dance and Acting: Melissa Quek
  • #Camera: Russell Morton
  • #Editing: Russell Morton
  • #Sound: Russell Morton
  • #Music: S Ghazali
  • #Screenplay: Russell Morton
  • #Webpage:
  • #Trailer: