A poetic reflection about time in the body of four women.
- Titel: Inconstante. Ajd. NO estable ni permanente
- Director//Regie: Rocio Gauna, Victoria Ferrari
- Choreography//Choreographie: Ayelén Aranea
- Country of Production//Land: Argentina
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2013
- Duration//Dauer: 00:15:00
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Alicia Labraga, Irma Tiraboschi, Mirta Calza Citin, Elsa Bósoclo
- Camera//Kamera: Victoria Ferrari
- Montage: Rocio Gauna - Victoria Ferrari
- Sound//Ton: Rocio Gauna
- Music//Musik: Marina Cifrodelli
- #Signature: P16 16