In the 19th century, in the Levant region, Salma Zahore, along with her parents and neighbors, participated in a photoshoot using a long exposure technique. At the end of it, Salma decided to take off her coat, revealing her body. Unaware of the chaos this gesture could cause within her circle, she did not know it could lead to shame (عيب).
- Titel: Shame (عيب)
- Director//Regie: Hadi Moussally
- Choreography//Choreographie: Hadi Moussally
- Production//Produktion: h7o7
- Country of Production//Land: France, Spain
- Year of Production//Jahr: 2024
- Duration//Dauer: 00:04:27
- Dance and Performance//Tanz: Salma Zahore
- Camera//Kamera: Olivier Pagny
- Montage: Olivier Pagny
- Music//Musik: Rasheed Jalloul
- Webpage//Webseite:
- Trailer: