PEARL 24, 19.10.2024

Perspective: Triptych

What if up is down? What if the way you see the world changes the world you see?
Was wenn, sich oben und unten verkehren? Was, wenn die Art und Weise, wie du die Welt siehst, die Welt verändert, die du siehst?

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Tania Vossgatter
South Africa 2022

Perspective is a triptych of screendance works that challenge the viewer’s perception of movement and space. Set within the confines of a tunnel, each film distorts the orientation of the dancer, creating an illusion where gravity feels uncertain and the sense of “right-side up” is lost. The shifting perspectives force us to confront how our mental and emotional stances influence our perception of the world.

Attitude explores the transformative power of perception, inspired by Dr. Wayne Dyer’s quote: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Mindset is a meditation on persistence, urging us to push forward despite shifting landscapes.

Standpoint examines how one’s personal stance or position alters one’s view of a situation, bringing focus to the idea that perspective defines reality.

Was wenn, sich oben und unten verkehren? Was, wenn die Art und Weise, wie du die Welt siehst, die Welt verändert, die du siehst?

Curated by // kuratiert von: Louise Coetzer & Oscar O’Ryan

  • Titel: Perspective: Triptych
  • Director//Regie: Tania Vossgatter
  • Choreography//Choreographie: Darion Adams
  • Production//Produktion: Tania Vossgatter, Darion Adams
  • Country of Production//Land: South Africa
  • Year of Production//Jahr: 2022
  • Duration//Dauer: 00:04:38
  • Dance and Performance//Tanz: Darion Adams
  • Camera//Kamera: Marco King
  • Montage: Tania Vossgatter
  • Music//Musik: Richard Vossgatter
  • Webpage//Webseite:
  • Trailer:

  • Language//Sprache: No spoken language // Keine gesprochene Sprache