POOL at Tanzrauschen Wuppertal

POOL at Tanzrausch Wuppertal

POOL presents a selection of films out of this year’s festival edition at Tanzrauschen 2016 in Wuppertal from January 28-31.

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(LA)HORDE - HEREIN # NOVACIERIES - visuel 16 © (LA)HORDE 2015-2_500px

Still of Novaciéries

POOL presents a selection of films out of this year’s festival edition at Tanzrauschen 2016 in Wuppertal from January 28-31. They will be shown as part of a Loop together with other selections of international Dance Film Festivals from all over Europe.
Besides one of our curators, Sarah Möller will be part of the conference, which is taking place during the festival.

Find the full programme here.

POOL Selection:

HOME ALONE | Adi Halfin (2’, Israel, 2013)

SPACE NOTHING MORE | Nikodem Wojciechowski (21’, Poland, 2015)

NOVACIERIES | Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel, Celine Signoret (16: 43, France, 2015)

EPIPHANY OF RETURNING | Richard Shpuntoff, Benedetta Capanna (9:21, USA / Argentina, 2015)

GONE | Helena Jondsdottir, Vera Sölvadottir (15:58, Iceland, 2014)